Lesson series

Performance Management Frameworks

Part 3: Business Intelligence
Learn how to facilitate performance management practices, the key components and benefits of a performance management framework.


AIEC Course

Live course available


Medical Imaging Leadership


Business Intelligence,
Part 3


35 minutes



Become a More Effective Leader

This is the third session in a 6-part series within our Business Intelligence channel. This series is designed for those in positions of operational leadership in medical imaging (or aligned data-rich environments such as radiation therapy or laboratory medicine). 

Who will benefit from this course?

Those who will realize the greatest benefit are those in clinical environments where data might be available but has yet to be harnessed in a way that can optimally inform operational decisions at all levels, from point-of-care to strategic oversight.
Lesson series

Performance Management Frameworks

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the benefits and understand the key components of a performance management framework
  • Leverage concepts learned to facilitate performance management practices locally
Our teachers

Meet our core team

Paul Cornacchione

Senior Director, Imaging Operations at University Health Network

Daniel Toubassy

business analyst, Project Manager at University Health Network
advanced imaging education centre (AIEC)

Business Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Master Class

A master class in Business Intelligence is available through our Advanced Imaging Education Centre (AIEC)

This RADUCATE course is an excerpt from the AIEC broader "Business Intelligence in Medical Imaging" course that is designed to equip leaders in medical imaging and aligned practice environments to lead in a data-driven world.