Lesson series
Foundations Week 9: Trauma
DICOM-based training that mirrors practice
Foundations Curriculum
Week #9
25 Full Cases
Learn : Practice
Radiology Residents
NEW! We've incorporated an artificial intelligence (AI) tutor within each case to create a more engaging and active learning environment!
Prepare for the after-hours with these trauma and post-op cases
Aortic injury
Review these topics before taking cases:- Review the most common locations of traumatic aortic injury
- What are the direct and indirect signs on CT
- Differentiate ductus diverticulum from thoracic aortic injury
Pneumothorax, Tension pneumopericardium
Review these topics before taking cases:- Identify and differentiate the appearances of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and pneumopericardium on CT.
- Practice looking for multiple findings, and when necessary putting them together.
Lung injury (contusions, lacerations, pneumatocele)
Review these topics before taking cases:- Identify injury to the lung parenchyma (contusions, pneumatocele)
- Remember to look for active extravasation into lacerations/in the chest
Diaphragmatic injury
Review these topics before taking cases:- To review imaging signs of diaphragmatic injury
- To differentiate diaphragmatic eventration from diaphragmatic rupture
Solid organ lacerations
Review these topics before taking cases:- Review the types of parenchymal injury in the liver, spleen and pancreas and their imaging appearance
- Review the diagnosis of active extravasation and pseudoaneurysms
- Review the main principles derived from grading systems
Renal injury
Review these topics before taking cases:- Review the types of renal injury
- Know when to order delayed imaging to assess for collecting system injury
- Review the main principles derived from grading systems
Bowel and mesenteric injury
Bladder rupture
Pelvic fractures without active extravasation
Penetrating and post-op trauma
and more...