Lesson series

Foundations Week 6: Ultrasound

DICOM-based training that mirrors practice


Foundations Curriculum

Week #6


21 Full Cases

Learn : Practice



Radiology Residents



NEW! We've incorporated an artificial intelligence (AI) tutor within each case to create a more engaging and active learning environment!

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Check out the DICOM-viewer and the AI-tutor in this sample from the Neuroradiology-Brain course.

Full DICOM Cases

Abdominal Ultrasound

Pelvic Ultrasound

Doppler Ultrasound

Prepare for the after-hours with these ultrasound cases

  • Acute cholecystitis

    Review these topics before taking cases:
    • Discuss normal measurements for assessing the gallbladder
    • What are the sonographic features of acute cholecystitis?
    • What are the features of advanced cholecystitis and its complications?
  • Pancreatitis

    Review these topics before taking cases:
    • Review the causes of acute pancreatitis
    • Discuss the sonographic features of acute pancreatitis
    • What are possible complications of acute pancreatitis?
  • Transplant ultrasound

    Review these topics before taking cases:
    • Describe a normal Doppler assessment of the liver and kidneys
    • Review vascular complications of hepatic transplants
    • Review biliary complications of hepatic transplants
    • What are complications post renal transplant?
  • Ectopic tubal pregnancy

    Review these topics before taking cases:
    • Discuss the common sonographic features of an ectopic pregnancy
    • Discuss the locations of ectopic pregnancy
  • Deep venous thrombosis

    Review these topics before taking cases:
    • Review the technique of a venous doppler ultrasound
    • Discuss the imaging findings in DVT, including the meaning of respiratory variation and augmentation
  • Acute appendicitis

  • Diverticulosis

  • Ureterohydronephrosis

  • Testicular torsion

  • and more...

Please use the
CHROME browser on a desktop/laptop, or large format tablet to run this course.

created by

Rajesh Bhayana
Michael Chan

Course Coding by

Eric Bartlett

Course delivery by

University of Toronto Radiology Residents

Peer-to-Peer learning that mirrors practice.